What will you get out of joining Rx Strength Classes?

  • Increase your confidence with complex kettlebell skills. (ie: Clean, Snatch, TGU etc...)

  • Improved movement quality + massive strength gains in your main lifts: squat, deadlift, push, pull.

  • Experience a progressive strength program that yields results (measured by pre & post-program milestones)

  • Become a part of the Bell Mechanics global community! You are going to make friends from all over the world.

Why Group Training?

Research has proven group training to increase your success and gains compared to training on your own! One study showed an 11% increase in overall wellbeing and mental health when participating in group training vs. training on your own. You have support from me and a team to help you stay on track!

What's Included?

  • Access to LIVE classes

    All LIVE classes will be on Tuesdays at 10am (est).

    Can't make it? You will get access to the recordings when you sign up for the membership!

  • Receive feedback from Coach Sam

    When you attend the LIVE class, Sam will be there giving helpful tips individualized for you!

  • Committed Teammates

    A vibrant community that will keep you pushing to unlock your best!

Meet your Coach!

Strength and technique are Sam's specialties. Her knowledge in anatomy & biomechanics allows her to dissect movement patterns to understand their underlying purpose. As a Physician Assistant (MS, PA-C), Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and worked with StrongFirst & RKC, Sam is nonetheless equipped to get you closer to crushing your goals!

The Proof!

Here's what past members have said...

"Worth every penny!"

Leah Zahner

Worth every penny and drop of sweat! Signed up for strength gains and ended up with sharp KB technique, learned fresh cues for my clients and increased connection with my breath!

I'm hooked!

Caitlin Van Gaal

The skills, habits & love of KB that I gained from this program helped me with my running & made me a lifelong kettlebell-er

I can't wait to squat heavier!

Debbie RamirezI

I use to always hurt my lower back squatting...but now I think my body can! Thank you for teaching me how to move my body with purpose!

Find a coach that resonates with you!

Emily Lawrence

One of the best things I did was find a coach that resonated with me and I signed up for her programming. It's been sooo beneficial to have someone telling me not only what to do but HOW to do it.

How it works.

We'll be releasing open enrollment for the Tuesday classes soon. Keep an eye out!