Rx Strength Classes


Discover the exciting world of kettlebell training with me! Explore innovative techniques tailored to your unique body type, fostering a sense of curiosity and empowerment. Elevate your knowledge of positioning, refine your breathing techniques, and enhance movement efficiency through challenging exercises. Experience newfound intelligence and strength like never before while delving deeper into the concepts I regularly share on Instagram, YoutTube and my courses.

Classes will be every Tuesday at 10am EST on Zoom *recordings available!

Kettlebell Programs

Whether you are a beginner or an advanced 'kettlebeller', I offer 4 signature DIY (do it yourself) programs. This is perfect for you if you want to get your feet wet with kettlebells but not ready to commit to an entire course. Expect to learn new kettlebell skills, get stronger, leaner and more powerful, there is a program for YOU!

Remote Training

1:1 HYBRID Online Training/Programming

If would like to train virtually with me in addition to following a custom program between our sessions:

Included: Intake form to help me understand your exercise and injury history, short and long term goals. After completing the form, we will schedule an online meeting to do a FULL live assessment and to go over specifics such as equipment availability, time restraints, monitoring needs vs. goals and anything else you feel is important to your success!

I will then write you a complete 4 week program that will be detailed and specific to your body’s individual needs as well as your goals.

We will meet once a week on zoom for the first month & if you feel ready, we can meet every other week or once a month moving forward.

Let's get started by filling out an intake form. Once submitted, I will reach out to you for the next steps!


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