Confused with kettlebell programming and wish you could simplify your process for your client?

No more trying to figure out where and how to add kettlebells into your client's program. KB Programming for Professionals will tell you exactly where kettlebells fit best into the big picture of training. You will be given a blueprint that will simplify your programming thought process, saving yourself from hours of frustration. This course includes a downloadable "cheat sheet" & 2 program templates!

Expect to

  • Understand where kettlebells fit into the BIG picture of training.

  • Learn why kettlebells are a unique training tool.

  • Immediately apply progression/regression exercises for Swing, Clean & Snatch.

  • Review limitations of kettlebell training.

  • Work through a Case Study & build out a kettlebell program with me!

Meet your Instructor

Samantha Ciaccia

Samantha is a reputable coach with 10+ years of kettlebell experience. She worked with some of the best instructors and traveled the world assisting kettlebell certifications. Now, she is the Founder/CEO of Bell Mechanics designed to educate coaches and KB enthusiasts through online courses, in person workshops and certifications. As a Physician Assistant, CSCS, SFG II & RKC, Sam has a wealth of knowledge she wants to share with you!

What's Included?!

  • 4+ hours of high quality lectures

    Learn the principles behind programming for kettlebells as Sam takes you through a daily lecture series lasting no more than 60 minutes a day!

  • Programming Cheat Sheet

    Don't worry about taking notes on notes. Sam prepared a quick reference sheet for you!

  • Program Templates

    Download Sam's programming template she used to design her signature kettlebell programs: Strength & YOKED!

  • Step by Step guide for the Swing, Clean & Snatch

    Make sure to save Sam's "How to" execute & coach up the most common ballistic exercises.

Course curriculum

    1. A message from your instructor!

    2. How to use the course

    3. Before we begin...

    1. START HERE: Lecture #1

    2. Presentation Slides: Day 1

    1. Lecture #2

    2. Presentation Slides: Day 2

    1. Lecture #3

    2. Presentation Slides: Day 3

    1. Lecture #4

    2. Presentation Slides: Day 4

    1. Lecture #5

    2. Presentation Slides: Day 5

About this course

  • $99.99
  • 20 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content


  • When does the course begin?

    The moment you sign up! It is self-paced.

  • Are the lectures pre-recorded?

    Yes! This gives you the freedom to watch at your best convenience.

  • Does the course expire?

    No! You have lifetime access once you purchase.

Join today

One time payment with lifetime access!

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