Are you a personal trainer or movement professional looking to differentiate yourself and get better results with clients?

This Hybrid Online Course + In-Person Certification is specifically designed for professionals like you who are looking for an all-in-one learning experience.

This course is for you if you recognize that not everyone can be trained the same way & if you believe in using principles that support anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics to tailor training programs that best suit each unique client. Throughout this course, we'll dive into all of that & more - all through the lens of kettlebells!

Join me in the specialized Bell Mechanics online course & weekend certification experience to dive deeper into the art and science of movement, and unlock a whole new level of precision and effectiveness in your training practice. You will come away with the confidence to teach, assess, cue, and fix common kettlebell exercises you see daily!

**Approved for CEUs with NSCA, NASM & ACE**

Get Certified!

I aim to provide you with the tools to stand out as a coach.

Through my unique approach that I've honed over the past 10+ years, I'll help you change the way you look at movement and kettlebell exercises. You'll be able to:

  • Identify the root cause of common movement limitations specific to kettlebell exercises

  • Analyze movement and exercises from the lens of anatomy & biomechanics.

  • Progress kettlebell exercises and programs from start to finish

  • Create programs that meet the needs of your client

Online Course >> May 6, 2024

In-Person Certification >> Chicago: August 2-4, 2024

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

Who is it for?

Personal Trainers, Strength & Conditioning Specialists, Movement Professionals and Fitness Enthusiasts who want to:

  • Gain the tools to improve clients’ movement efficiency with kettlebells and grow their business

  • Progress their own knowledge & kettlebell skillset to stay ahead in the industry

  • Sharpen their critical thinking & problem solving skills to help change the lives of their clients

Becoming a Bell Mechanics Trainer

Our mission is to raise the quality of kettlebell specialists in the industry by creating the best learning experience for professionals out there.

All coaches are required to pass both the online course and a live practical exam.

The in-person exam is led in small groups by our founding trainers to create a personalized & effective learning experience for each individual.

This small group setting allows you to practice and demonstrate clear coaching cues & skill acquisition while showing off your competence to effectively program.

Check out how this all-inclusive educational experience will help you progress as a coach & in your career!

Bell Mechanics Trainer Certification

Empowerment Through Education

  • Skills Test &
    Practical Exam

    Kettlebell Skills:
    Swing, Clean, Snatch, TGU, Military Press & Push Press

    Bodyweight Skills:
    Pull Up & Push Up

    Coaching Practical:
    Exercise Progressions, Regressions, Troubleshooting & Programming

  • Testing Weights:

    • Women up to 130 lbs: 12-16kg

    • Women over 130 lbs: 16-20kg

    • Men up to 150 lbs: 20-24kg

    • Men over 150 lbs: 24-28kg.

Become a well respected Kettlebell Specialist

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Use a simple step-by-step assessment process to identify the root cause of movement dysfunctions within the scope of kettlebell exercises

  • Select specific drills to create immediate changes in overall movement quality and kettlebell skills

  • Write a thorough training program that meets the needs of the individual clients’ movement & fitness goals

"The Bell Mechanics Course will EXCEED your expectations!"

Words straight from the mouths of previous students!
I surveyed the previous cohorts about their experience and here's what they have to say:

What made you sign up for BMC?

"I trust you (Sam) you would teach me all of your knowledge about kettlebells and how I can better serve my clients! And you did, thank you!"

Do you feel more confident executing the KB Skills you learned?

"Yes, I understand many of the kettlebell exercises much better and I have never had such good explanations and instruction on technique and set up before. I still have a lot to learn though and I'm just looking forward to keep practicing."

Do you feel more confident executing the KB Skills you learned?

"So much more confident! I'm able to review my execution of the skills we covered, and others as well, and see clearly where I can improve. And then for the areas where I can improve, I actually know exactly what I should be doing and I know the drills and focus areas I should practice to help get me there! "

Do you feel comfortable coaching these skills to someone else?

"Yes! We learned the skill during the video tutorials, practiced with our video submissions, and reinforced during the live calls - such that I feel confident being in the teaching position!"

Do you feel comfortable coaching these skills to someone else?

"Absolutely. Before taking this course, I was only coaching swings with clients and wanted to expand my knowledge base to add cleans and snatches. I've begun coaching those movements. I feel like this course didn't just add to my knowledge base, it also provided confidence and trust in my own ability to coach and educate my clients."

Do you feel comfortable coaching these skills to someone else?

"Yes. Not only did my KB technique greatly improve, but you gave great instruction on how to coach someone else and trouble shoot with them. Also, I found your instruction great for clients that may not be doing kettlebells too. This course was awesome!!"

Do you feel you have a deeper understanding of human movement?

100%! Not just KB movement exclusively but overall, and my interest is sparked into continuing to dig deeper into this! One move at a time like you showed us so that concepts are easily digestible!"

Do you feel you have a deeper understanding of human movement?

"Absolutely!! The biggest thing I took away from this course was that all the "issues" I have experienced in the past 2-3 years as an athlete, from injuries or pain with running, areas of weakness with KBs, and certain KB exercises where my form can most improve (aka my salsa hips!) are all interconnected! And even better yet is I have the knowledge now to work on specific things to improve and become a better athlete in all those areas. This course has truly been so eye opening for me as an athlete and I couldn't be happier with the knowledge I have gained! "

The Bell Mechanics Trainer Certification is different than any other training event you've attended!

This 12 week experience + 2-day event is the most well rounded kettlebell certification that exists.

  • 12 LIVE Weekly Lectures

    I offer LIVE lectures to keep you up to date on the most recent information.
    The calls are 1 p.m. EST every Wednesday.
    *All calls are recorded and uploaded immediately in case you have to miss it.

  • 12 LIVE Breakout Sessions

    Seize the opportunity to practice your skills with Sam, her coaches & your fellow Bell Mechanics cohorts at 1 p.m. EST every Thursday.

  • Programming Templates & Exercise Playlist

    You will be provided with downloadable templates & a quick guide to all the exercises we cover to help you get started with your business

  • 1:1 Personalized Technique Feedback

    Receive feedback from Sam on your weekly assignments to improve & grow your own kettlebell skills!

  • 150+ Learning Modules

    Follow along by completing one chapter per week with pre-recorded video modules, practice sessions, assignments & quizzes before the LIVE lectures.

  • Quizzes & Final Exam

    Test your knowledge as you learn along the way! An 80% passing grade for the written Final Exam is needed to qualify for the in-person certification.

  • In-Person Certification

    Put your knowledge to the test at the 3-day Bell Mechanics Trainer Certification in Chicago (August 2024).

  • Meet your classmates IRL!

    Attend the certification & meet the colleagues you just spent the last 12 weeks learning with in the online Bell Mechanics Course.

"This course blew me away. I loved the in depth explanation of each exercise, how to meet clients where they're at and how to progress them and troubleshoot." - Courtney Smith (trainer)

The educational value is like no other:

  • 12 LIVE Breakout sessions to put into practice what you learned **NEW** ($420 value)

  • Weekly Coaching Calls to dive into the course material, case studies & your own self-assessment! ($1000 value!)

  • Weekly self-guided videos with pre & post chapter quizzes assessing your knowledge ($500 value!)

  • 1:1 KB skills & technique feedback for 12 video homework assignments ($3000 value)

  • 50% off KB Strength Program (via TrainHeroic App)

  • $100 off online assessment & strategy sessions for duration of the course ($275 value!)

  • Becoming a part of the new wave of KB Specialists in this industry with like minded peers who want to educate themselves (no more social media KB nonsense!) (PRICELESS!)

  • Being an official Certified Bell Mechanics Trainer while earning CEU credits approved by NASM, NSCA & ACE

It's OKAY to be nervous!
I'll support you the entire time and then some.

It's a BIG DEAL to invest in yourself & your business! I know you want to make the right decision when it comes to what course to invest in, so here's some feedback from past students to help you out:

"I've learned so much more than I anticipated..."

Jenna Bodle

"I immediately got on the waitlist and I will say, I have NOT been disappointed with her course so far! 12 week course with weekly in-depth videos, quizzes, live lectures, homework assignments with direct feedback on our technique, and awesome support! I've learned so much more than I anticipated and have been able to implement the material immediately in my own training & also to help my clients improve their own skills/technique"

"KB Foundations is a game changer!"

Rachel Andrews

The KB Foundations Course is not only helping my training, but I've applied everything I've learned so far with my clients and it's been GAME CHANGING!

"KBF sharpens your coaching eye"

Jenny Lam

“What I love about Bell Mechanics is how Sam teaches us to see in a coaches eye and pin point anything that needs work”

"This course has truly been a game changer!"

Bridgette Karl

This course has been truly a game changer! I dropped the money and I have never looked back! It was the detailed beat by beat breakdown of each movement…when I am teaching classes or in a session, I see it! I have the answers and it is the coolest thing!

"This course has exceeded my expectations!"

Amanda Ranahan

“As a non-coach I signed up for this course to learn more about the science, mechanics and the why behind kettlebell movements. I can say this course has exceeded my expectations in every way! I learned so much about not just KB mechanics, but about breathing and movement in general”

"As a trainer, there was not one lesson where I didn't walk away learning something new"

Lauren Kanski

“From a trainer’s perspective, I’ve done everything under the sun, I speak this language all the time. There was not one lesson, module or part of this course where I didn’t walk away learning something new, refreshed, inspired, in some way to go apply this to all the people that I coach”

"Sam is a phenomenal coach!"

Jess Reilly

“Sam is a phenomenal coach! I knew since the day I met her I wanted to work with her. She knows what she is talking about, she’s humble and she knows how to run a group. You get to learn, get out of your comfort zone, ask questions and become a better coach as a whole”

"You'll be able to incorporate KB skills with CONFIDENCE!"

Kendra Turner

“This was an incredible course! GAME CHANGER for me. You will learn so much as a coach and MUCH more. You’ll be able to incorporate KB skills with confidence for YOUR personal workouts and for your clients. It’s a WIN WIN! Thanks Coach!”

"I decided to try what we learned...her back was happy again!"

Merav Zecharia Gueta

“I have a client who suffers from low back pain every time she lifts heavy weights. I decided to try what we learned in our two sessions with breathing, loaded beast exercise and what a miracle it did! Her back was happy again & we continued training with no pain. Thank you so much!”

Meet your Instructor

Samantha Ciaccia is a reputable coach who spent 10+ years blending her knowledge as an Emergency Medicine PA-C & Strength Coach together into a cohesive learning experience!

Sam worked with some of the best Physicians, kettlebell instructors and traveled the world teaching certifications to other coaches!

As a Physician Assistant, CSCS, SFG II & RKC, Sam has a wealth of knowledge she wants to share with you! **Prevent yourself from making the same coaching mistakes she’s made in the past.**

What are other TOP Coaches saying about The Bell Mechanics Course?

Course curriculum


    2. Schedule your 1:1 Private Session

    1. Exercise Playlist

    1. NYC Hotel Recommendations

    1. Reload Physical Therapy Gym Waiver

About this course

  • Buy Now
  • 5 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

The confidence I have in the movement now compared to the beginning (when I thought I knew what was up lol) is unbelievable!

I also feel across the board more confident in my coaching of the movements and being able to better understand and communicate the anatomical side has been fantastic too.

- Hannah Worth (trainer)

Approved for CEUs:

Trainer Certification
Pricing Schedule

Course Options:

  • Online +Trainer Certification: August 2024 (Chicago)

  • Accepting Applications on April 1st

    Early Bird Pricing: April 15th-26th
    Standard Pricing: April 27th-May 1st
    Late Pricing: After May 1st

    • Early Bird (Online +Trainer Certification):
      $475/mo x 3 months ($1,425 total)

    • Standard (Online +Trainer Certification):
      $492/mo x 3 months ($1,475 total)

    • Late (Online +Trainer Certification):
      $508/mo x 3 months ($1,525 total)

    Sign up by April 26th for Early Bird Pricing!

    Online Course:
    May 6th - July 22nd, 2024

    Trainer Certification:
    August 2024 (Chicago)


    • Is this a self-guided course?

      It can be, but I truly believe to you will get the most out this course by attending the weekly calls & submitting your assignments for 1:1 feedback.

    • How much time should I allot for every week?

      Allot for 3 hours. This allows time to watch the learning modules, practice & submit your homework assignments (1hr). Attend the lectures & breakout sessions (2hrs) *You are welcome to spend more time as needed!

    • When are the LIVE Calls?

      Lectures are Wednesdays @ 1p est.
      Breakout Session are Thursdays @ 1p est.

    • How many kettlebells do I need?

      1, but 2 is recommended! Since this is an educational course, you need them for your assignments & practice sessions. A whole set is not necessary!

    • Can I still get certified & CEUs if I don’t pass the written & practical exam?

      No, however, you have unlimited attempts to pass the written exam before you show up for the practical exam.

      *If you do not pass the practical exam, you have up to 3 months the submit your videos.

    • Do I have to be a Trainer/ fitness professional to attend?

      No. The Bell Mechanics Trainer Certification is for anyone who is looking to learn how to coach kettlebells to others. If you do not want to attend in-person event & get certified, you have the option to take the online course only.

    • Do I get to keep the course?

      You will have access to the course material for 3 months. If you want access to the latest course material, you will love the Bell Mechanics Mentorship.

    • Is there a refund policy?

      I am confident you will learn at least one key concept you can apply to yourself or your client every week! If you put in the work, attend most of the calls, participate in group discussions, quizzes and still did not learn anything…I will refund you