What's the link between Kettlebells and breathing?

Katie & Sam have joined forces to bring to you a webinar discussing the details of breath, positioning, and force production in the kettlebell swing, clean & snatch! If you are a coach, clinician or kettlebell enthusiast who wants to understand how to get your clients using kettlebells safely & efficiently, this is for YOU!

Expect to

  • Develop a thorough understanding of the KB Ballistics: Swing, Clean & Snatch

  • Understand how to maximize the swing, clean and snatch through proper loading and force production mechanics, respiration & position.

  • Learn the physics of force production, specific to KB’s. “Fast and Loose” and the difference between Yielding vs. Overcoming in terms of dynamic movements.

  • Learn how to apply respiration drills tailored to kettlebells to improve force production.

Meet Samantha Ciaccia

Samantha is a reputable coach with 9+ years of kettlebell experience, who worked with some of the best instructors and traveled the world teaching certifications to other coaches. As a Physician Assistant, CSCS, SFG II & RKC, Sam has a wealth of knowledge she wants to share with you!

Meet Katie St. Clair

Katie is a wife, mom, strength coach, educator, business owner, and lover of all things movement. After 20+ years in the industry, Katie decided to create an educational program based on her passion for seeing other women excel in the industry as leaders and educators.


  • How long is the Webinar?

    The recording is 108 minutes long (1hr 48min)

  • Will I have unlimited access?

    Yes - it's a one-time purchase with lifetime access!

  • Do I need to be prepared to workout?

    Nope - the drills covered in the lecture can all be done in your home!

  • What is the best way to get in contact with Katie?

    [email protected]

  • What's the best way to get in contact with Sam?

    [email protected]

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One-time purchase for lifetime access